Table of Contents
1. Description of Project 2
2. Understanding and extending Pamvotis
Simulator 3
3. Creating Simulation Scenarios. 5
3.1. Description of source elements. 7
3.1.1. Generic source. 7
3.1.2. FTP source. 7
3.1.3. HTTP source. 7
3.1.4. Video source. 8
4. Using Pamvotis as an Embedded
Simulator 9
5. License and Contribution. 10
Description of Project
simulator is designed using a flexible architecture, in order developers to
implement their own models or add their own extensions. For this purpose, a
number of methods is created which are not all used by the simulator itself,
but are useful for developers that want to extend the code.
The Pamvotis project is developed in
Java 1.6. In order the executable file to be small and to reduce the resources
required, only libraries included in JRE are used.
Pamvotis is created with Eclipse
application. If you intend to extend the code of Pamvotis, we recommend that
you use Eclipse. If you don’t, keep in mind that you have to set the classpath
The whole project is constituted of four
packages. The first (pamvotis.core) contains the classes required for the
simulation execution. The second, (pamvotis.intf) contains the classes that
implement the user interface in SWING. The third (pamvotis.sources) contains
the classes that implement the various traffic sources. The last
(pamvotis.exceptions) contains classes that implement exceptions related to
Pamvotis project. It is obvious that developers are not interested in the intf package.
An extended description of each class and each
method Pamvotis provides is formally documented in HTML format in the
doc/classDoc folder. Open the file index.html existed in classDoc folder with
your browser, or access the documentation online at the Pamvotis site.
Understanding and
extending Pamvotis Simulator
In order to understand the way by which the
Simulator class performs a simulation, a skeleton of the whole procedure is
outlined in this section. However, if you want to extend the functionality of
Pamvotis (implement your own model or add some other features) then you should
also study the comments of the code.
The whole procedure by which a simulation is
performed contains the following steps:
- Read the simulation scenario parameters from the config/ntConf.xml file and store
them to some internal, private variables.
- Create and print the headers of the statistical results files.
- Run the simulation for a specific time interval( e.g 0..10sec).
Mean statistical results will be printed for this interval (0..10sec).
- Repeat step 3 as many times as needed. For example, continue
running the simulation for another time interval (e.g. 10..20 sec). Mean
statistic results will be printed for 10..20sec. Run the simulation for
20..30sec. Statistic results will be printed for 20..30sec.
- Print mean statistical results related to the total simulation
time. In our example, mean values will be printed for 0..30sec.
For each of the above steps
(excluding step 4 obviously), a public method exists that implements it. The
first step is implemented with the ConfParams
method, which reads the simulation scenario parameters from the config/ntConf.xml file and stores it to
some global variables.
The second step is implemented by
the PrintHeaders method, which
creates some text files and prints some headers in it.
The third step, which is the most
important, is implemented by the simulate
method. This method takes two arguments; the start time and the end time, in
milliseconds. It transforms the start time and the end time in slots. Then, for
every slot, from start time to end time, it executes a for loop which does the
- Synchronizes the timer of each node.
- If a node has generated a packet, it adds it to the node’s packet
queue. This is implemented through the putPacketToQueue
- If a node has a packet to send in its queue, it takes this packet
for transmission. This is implemented through takePacketFromQueue method.
- Begins to compete for the medium (fightForSlot). Three methods may be called in this step,
depending on the medium’s state in this slot (emptySlot, successfulTransmission,
- Calculates the statistics and add a horizontal line in the results
files with the time instance and the statistic for each node. This is
implemented through the printStats
Step 5 is implemented through the printMeanValues method, which prints the
mean values of each statistic and for each node to a text file.
The parameters of a simulation configuration
are read from the config/ntConf.xml
file. You create simulation scenarios by editing this file. Put another way,
all the interface package does is to collect some user-input parameters and
write them to the xml file. You can see the structure of the xml file if you
create a simulation scenario run the simulation (it is not necessary to finish,
stop it when it begins) and edit the config/ntConf.xml
file. The xml file structure was kept as simpler as possible, in order people
not familiar with xml to be able to edit it and modify it. Each of the xml
parameters is explained below.
- Seed: An integer number from which the random number generator is
initialized. Different values of seed produce different simulation
- Duration: The duration of the simulation in seconds.
- Values: The number of collected values for each
statistic, that will be written to the results files.
- Node element: We create as
many node elements as the network nodes. Each node element has a number
(ID) which is an integer number, unique for each node. Each element has
the following characteristics:
- rate: The node’s data rate in bits.
- Coverage: The coverage range of each
node in meters.
- xPosition: The horizontal (x) coordinate of each
node in meters. If you do not care
about hidden terminals and want all nodes to be in LOS, set the same
values for xPosition and yPosition parameters. Do not leave
them blank.
- yPosition: The vertical (y) coordinate of each node
in meters. If you do not care about
hidden terminals and want all nodes to be in LOS, set the same values for
xPosition and yPosition parameters. Do not leave
them blank.
- AC: The node’s access
category for IEEE 802.11e EDCA (0, 1, 2 or 3). Be sure to use only one of the above
values. Any other value will be considered as AC-0 (best effort). Be also
sure to set AC-0 for all nodes, if you do not want to use EDCA at all.
- Source element: This element describes a traffic
source for a node. Each node can have on or more traffic sources, each
one represented by a source element. Each source element has an ID, which
is a unique integer number for each source in a node, and a type, which
can be one of the following: generic,
ftp, http, video. See the description of each one of the elements,
further on this section.
- nodes: The number of
nodes in the network. This parameter is not used at all and may be
- mixedNodes: The number of
IEEE 802.11b compliant nodes in a mixed
802.11b/g network. Be careful with this parameter. If you set it
different than 0, be sure to set the phyLayer
parameter to m.
- phyLayer: The physical
layer type. (802.11 simple/a/b/g/mixed). s for simple, original
802.11, a for 802.11a, b for 802.11b, g
for 802.11g and m for mixed mode
802.11b/g. Be sure to write only one of the above four characters in
lowercase. Any other character will be handled as 802.11g layer. Be also
sure to set the number of 802.11b compliant nodes (mixNodes parameter) if you selected the mixed mode network.
- RTSThr: The RTS
threshold in bits. Set it to 0 if you want to be always enabled. Set it to
999999 if you want to be disabled, or set it to a value you desire.
- CTSToSelf: The CTS-to-Self
parameter for 802.11g networks. Set it to y if
you want it to be enabled or to n if
you want it to be disabled. Be careful to select the correct type of
physical layer. Enabling the CTS-to-Self parameter will have an effect
only in 802.11g networks. Enabling CTS-to-Self and selecting another type
of physical layer will lead to unexpected results.
- EDCA element: This element
contains parameters for the 802.11e EDCA function for QoS. Leave the
default values if you do not want to use it. Default values may be seen if
you run Pamvotis Simulator and create a scenario without using 802.11e
- CWMinFact0/1/2/3:
The division factor for the minimum contention window for AC-0,
AC-1, AC-2 and AC-3 respectively. See the user’s manual for a definition
of the division factor.
- CWMaxFact0/1/2/3:
The division factor for the maximum contention window for AC-0,
AC-1, AC-2 and AC-3 respectively. See the user’s manual for a definition
of the division factor.
- AIFS0/1/2/3: The value of
AIFS for AC-0, AC-1, AC-2 and AC-3 respectively. See the user’s manual
for a definition of AIFS.
- ResultsPath: The path where
the results files will be created.
- OutResults: This is a
tricky string parameter. It is used to check which results the user wants
to be printed. If a user wants to collect values for a specific result
then a specific substring is concatenated to the string parameter. For
each result, the PrintStats
method of the Simulator class checks to see if a specific substring is
contained in the outResults
string variable. If it does, then the result is printed. The substrings
representing each result are shown below:
- tb: Throughput in
- tp: Throughput in
- ut: Utilization.
- md: Media access
- qd: Queueing
- td: Total delay.
- dj: Delay jitter.
- ra: Retransmission
- ql: Queue length.
Thus, if we want to collect values for the first three results and for
the last, we would have to define the outResults parameter as tb_tp_ut_ql_.
Actually, the underscore is not necessary, but is useful for separating the
substrings. If you do not want any results to be printed, do not leave this
parameter empty. Just define it with an underscore or another character.
In this subsection, a
description of the parameters of each source element is outlined.
This source represents
a generic (abstract) source, producing abstract traffic, obeying specific
parameters. Use this source by specifying type=”generic”
in the definition of the source element.
- pktLngth: The node’s
packet length mean value in bits. Can be a decimal number.
- pktDist: The distribution of the packet length: c for constant, u
for uniform and e for exponential. Be
sure to write only one of the above three characters in lowercase. Write
only one of the predefined characters. Any other character will be handled
as exponential distribution.
- intArrTime: The
mean value of the packet generation rate in packets/sec.
Can be a decimal number.
- intArrDstr: The
distribution of the packet generation rate: c for constant, u
for uniform and e for Poisson. Be sure
to write only one of the above three characters. Write the characters in
lowercase. Write only one of the predefined characters. Any other
character will be handled as Poisson distribution.
This source represents a source generating FTP traffic, as described in 3GPP
TR 25.892 V6.0.0 (see Appendix). Use this source by specifying type=”ftp” in the definition of the
source element. For the explanation of the parameters that follow, please have
a look at the appendix.
- pktSize: The MSDU packet size in bits. Can be a decimal number.
- fileSizeMean: The mean value of the file size in
bytes. Can be a decimal number.
- fileSizeStDev: The standard deviation of the file size
in bytes. Can be a decimal number.
- fileSizeMax: The maximum value of the file size in
bytes. Can be a decimal number.
- readingTime: The reading time in seconds. Can be a
decimal number.
This source represents a source generating HTTP traffic, as described in
3GPP TR 25.892 V6.0.0 (see Appendix). Use this source by specifying type=”http” in the definition of the
source element. For the explanation of the parameters that follow, please have
a look at the appendix.
- pktSize: The MSDU packet size in bits. Can be a decimal number.
- mainObjectMean, mainObjectStDev,
mainObjectMin, mainObjectMax: The mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum values of the
main object in bytes. Can be a decimal number.
- embObjectMean, embObjectStDev,
embObjectMin, embObjectMax:
The mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum values of the embedded
object in bytes. Can be a decimal number.
- NumOfEmbObjectsMean, NumOfEmbObjectsMax: The mean and maximum values of the
number of embedded objects. Can only be integer values.
- readingTime: The reading time in seconds. Can be a
decimal number.
- parsingTime: The parsing time in seconds. Can be a
decimal number.
This source represents a source generating video traffic, as described
in 3GPP TR 25.892 V6.0.0 (see Appendix). Use this source by specifying type=”video” in the definition of the
source element. For the explanation of the parameters that follow, please have
a look at the appendix.
- frameRate: The frame rate in frames/sec. Can only
be an integer number.
- packetsPerFrame: The number of packets per frame. Can
only be an integer number.
- pktSize: The mean value of the packet size in bytes. Can be a decimal
- pktSizeMax: The maximum value of the packet size in
bytes. Can be a decimal number.
- pktIntArr: The mean value packet interarrival time
in seconds. Can be a decimal number.
- pktIntArrMax: The maximum value of the packet
interarrival time in seconds. Can be a decimal number.
Pamvotis Simulator was designed through a
flexible architecture that enables developers to use it as an embedded
simulator, inside their own simulator. For example, let’s suppose that someone
has developed a simulator for the IP layer (or perhaps for some layers above
IP) and needs a simulator for the 802.11 MAC layer. Pamvotis can be used inside
this simulator without any modification in the code. An other example is that
someone has a UMTS simulator and needs to use an 802.11 simulator to simulate
cross-system handovers or call access control algorithms. Pamvotis can be
controlled through the other simulator without modification in the code.
All the above are feasible through some public
methods that Pamvotis provides. All the user needs to do is to create an
instance of the Simulator class and call the necessary methods. At the root of
the Pamvotis folder, there exists a file named Example.java, which is an
example of how to use Pamvotis as an embedded simulator. Another example of how to use
Pamvotis is the interface itself. Take a look at the run method of the SimThread
inner class, located in the Run class
of the pamvotis.intf package.
An extended description of each
class and each method Pamvotis provides is formally documented in HTML format
in the doc/classDoc folder. Open the file index.html existed in classDoc folder
with your browser, or access the documentation online at the Pamvotis site.
License and
It should be reminded again that Pamvotis may be distributed or modified
under the terms of the GNU general Public Lisence.
Moreover, in order to extend and improve
Pamvotis, it is kindly asked to contact with the author for any innovative
modification performed in the code. References will be added to the web site
and another version of Pamvotis will be released, based on the user’s
For any information, please contact Dimitris
Copyright© - 2008 – Dimitris El. Vassis Vassilis
Zafeiris - All Rights Reserved